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IATM, AGM Sicily and Post Tour, January 2019. There has been some confusion over the final day of the Post Tour of Catania, Sicily. The accommodation for the night of 22nd January 2019 is included in the programme but members have the choice of returning to the hotel in Catania or continuing on to Palermo and the Hotel Frederico for the last night. This is to facilitate ease of access to return flights on the 23rd January 2019. The booking form has also been updated to show the late booking fee after 17th December 2018. (posted 14/11/18).

IATM, The Latest Newsletter is now available for all members. Please log on with your user name and password and go to Members/Newsletters to access this (posted 5/11/18).

Käthe Wohlfahrt in York Stonegate 17:

Käthe Wohlfahrt are proud to announce the opening of their New, year-round Christmas Store in York/ England. The beautiful store is located in the old town of York only a few minutes away from York Minster and in the well-known house called “Mulberry Hall”. The House was built in the 15th Century and is one of the oldest houses in town. It fascinates by its remarkable architectural style.